[olug] [OT] Any DB2 wizards out there?

Mike Hostetler hostetlerm at gmail.com
Thu Jul 29 20:54:12 UTC 2004

On Wed, 28 Jul 2004 13:58:19 -0500, Terry <td3201 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Can you post to the list?  They answers might be related to Linux.....

I'll post my answers, though not really related to Linux . . . 

The problem was that we have a beefy Linux box as a DB2 server that
was hardly working, but yet DB2 was deathly slooowww.  Thanks to some
links from Don Kauffman and troehr, I got it working fine -- actually,
now it's a speed demon.

I posted the gory detail on my blog:

Mike Hostetler
thehaas at binary.net

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