[olug] nbor

Ken emptymm at cox.net
Sat Jan 10 00:10:43 UTC 2004

Nate wrote:
> OOPS!  Sorry I forgot to send the url.
> http://www.nbor.com
> Can someone comment on what this would mean for linux?  They say that a 
> version for linux will be out later this year.  NBOR is some new form of 
> communicating with the computer.  

<begin marketing drivel>
"What is NBOR?
NBOR - which stands for No Boundaries or Rules™ - is designed to let you 
operate your computer in a way that makes sense to you. You get to 
decide what you want to do, when you want to do it and, to a large 
extent, how you do it. We're not talking about changing the color and 
placement of icons or task bars here. We're talking about a world that 
can really only be believed if it is seen for oneself."
"NBOR™ with its Blackspace™ environment and Universal Tools™ marks a new 
era in which every computer in the hands of every user can be operated 
according to their own thought process."
</end marketing drivel>

Cool.. Now I can do away all this ssh nonsense and just NBOR myself to 
my remote server using the "Universal Tools" on "Blackspace".  No more 
damned smtp servers, iptables or "strict protocols" to worry about.

:)  sorry, couldn't resist..

Umm, from what I could take of reading the webpage it sounds like a 
severely over-hyped desktop environment. With a price tag of $299 I 
think I'll stick with GNOME..

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