[olug] Headless servers....serial terminal

Trent Melcher tmelcher at trilogytel.com
Fri May 9 15:01:54 UTC 2003

THat X windows post got me to thinking about some of my servers,  does
anyone have a working configuration  of a RH7.2 or higher box using the
serial port connecting to a terminl.  I have had this working in RH 6.2 and
below but havent gotten it to work in 7 and above.

My lilo.conf for the old boxes use the console=ttyS0,9600

and my inittab  has the S0:234:respawn:/sbin/getty ttyS0 DT9600 vt100

again this owrks for RH6.2 and below, but cant get it to work for RH 7 and


              / _  _ \
            (| (.)(.) |)
 |Trent Melcher                     |
 |Network/System Administrator      |
 |Startouch International LTD.      |
 |402.346.4600  x103                |
            (   )   Oooo.
             \ (    (   )
              \_)    ) /

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