[olug] Apache web server support questions

Brian Wiese bwiese at cotse.com
Thu Jan 30 00:23:25 UTC 2003

On Fri, 24 Jan 2003 16:28:58 -0800
"Rogers, John C NWD02" <John.C.Rogers at nwd02.usace.army.mil> wrote:

|Hi all,
|My company is exploring the idea of switching from Netscape Iplanet or
|Netscape Enterprise web server to Apache web server.  The question is
|want someone locally to be able to support the server installs, can
|on the list do this?  The hosts would be Sun Solaris boxes with the
|build on them.  Would any olug list users or companies support these
|installs on a contract, hourly consulting, or on call basis?  The servers
|will be required to have SSL and other security measures enabled on them.

Apache would definately be the way to go... I don't know if you've
received any other responses yet, but I only found 2 consulting business
in Omaha from the Linux Consultants Guide - Paktronix and Open Source


|Small local companies would get preferential treatment since this would
|an US government contract.  Is anyone out there that the list would
|recommend or even who not to use?
|I know the list favors Linux but my company is heavy into Sun only.  You
|contact me off the list if you want and I can fill you in on the details.

I know there's at least a few users on the list with Solaris experience,
I'm not sure what their availablility is though.  A newer organization
starting up is the Free Software Consortium (www.fsc.cc) -- I'm somewhat
involved with it, but it is not very well known yet.


  Brian Wiese | bwiese at cotse.com | aim: unolinuxguru
  GnuPG/PGP key 0x1E820A73 | "FREEDOM!" - Braveheart 
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