[olug] from slashdot: Credit Card-Size Hard Drive Can Hold 5GB

Jay Swackhamer Jay at RebootTheUser.com
Tue Jan 21 23:26:45 UTC 2003

1. well said...

2. The 'fuel cell' would be a better alternative than electric auto's for
real world usage. But then again, why not just convert to alcohol, there's
plenty of grain available...... If we need oil, we could just drill in the
US. We  have enviromentally strict regulations(saving the US environment),
so we buy oil from countries that have fairly relaxed
regulations(polluting the rest of the world), we'd be better off getting
our own oil, and get them to stop drilling.....but legislating that
everyone must drive a fuel conserving mini-mobile is not the right way to

10 MPG/12 highway

> I don't necessarily think this is the proper forum, but I'll go ahead
> and throw my opinion in and then I'll keep quiet.
> 1.  The war with Iraq isn't about oil.  We get the bulk of our imported
> oil from Venezuela, which is why we have rising gas prices.  This is
> about keeping chem, bio, and nuke weapons out of the hands of
> terrorists.  No I'm not talking about Saddam.  However IF Saddam
> had/has/gets them, it's a short trip for the real terrorists to get
> them.  Also, IF a real
> democratic, non-theocracry dominated government replaces Saddam that
> will be a HUGE force for reform in the region as the best and brightest
> of the Arab world will be attracted to the opportunities created by an
> open and industrialized economy.  The other countries in the region will
> either follow or stagnate and become irrelevant.  In addition to this, a
> "new" Iraq may not join OPEC, which would pretty much destroy it's
> strangle-hold on the world's oil supply, and send crude prices to the
> basement.
> 2.  Electric cars aren't happening fast for several reasons.  Lack of
> range (130 miles is about a third of what I would require before I would
> consider one),  cost ($20 grand for a car is not what I call
> affordable),  lack of infrastructure (where do we charge),
> inconvenience (recharging is not quick without a battery swap, and then
> you're back to infrastructure).   I think alternative fuel cars will
> happen, but right now the car companies have a vested interest in dino
> burners as they own stock in the oil companies so they're in no hurry.
> Right now electrics are a niche market, and they will continue to be so
> until someone shifts something in a dramatic way to make the public WANT
> it.  As someone said, creating a product doesn't create a market.
> Just my opinions, but I have been watching things pretty closely.
> Bill
> *******************************************************************
>                       Eric Penne
>       <epenne at yahoo.com        To:
> olug at olug.org
>                       >                        cc:
>                       Sent by:                 Subject:  [olug] from
> slashdot: Credit Card-Size Hard Drive Can Hold 5GB
>           olug-admin at olug.o
>                 rg
>                       01/21/2003 08:59
>       AM
>             Please respond to
>                   olug
> <soapbox opinions (feel free to debate me)>
> We are going to have a war with Iraq.  Bush has it in his head, so be
> it.  It's mostly for oil but there is a little twinge of world peace at
> hand if Saddam is out.
> I'm not blasting anybody in particular after this part or I would be a
> hypocrit.  We need to curb our use of oil (foreign and domestic).  Too
> many cars, not enough pollution prevention.
> For under $15 million, a viable (130 mile highway range) battery
> electric vehicle could be produced and sold for about $20,000.  One of
> the big costs with vehicle production is crash testing so it may take
> $20 million.  It costs a lot to crash test a prototype. :)
> That same $15 million could be used to fund the changeover for 3 normal
> car lines to use hybrid (like the Honda Civic).
> BOOM!  Helping the future!  Less War with oil barons.
> How many car lines could've been developed with all the money thrown at
> hyped up crap during the dot com boom/bust.  Enough to satisfy
> everybodies tastes.  Hybrid SUVs, fully battery electric SUVs, hybrid
> cars, battery electric sports cars, etc.
> </soapbox>
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Jay Swackhamer

Reboot The User
15791 West Dodge Road, STE 135
Omaha, NE 68118
(402) 933-6449

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