[olug] Turboprint

Eric Penne epenne at yahoo.com
Mon Jan 6 01:59:39 UTC 2003

I have finally gotten around to getting my printer to work.  I run a
Canon S820 printer.  It wasn't supported by anything free.  Therefore,
upon a suggestion from either an HLUG or OLUG member, I checked out
turboprint.  It said that it supported my printer and I believed it.  I
tried the demo version which also prints a banner on the page until you
register the program.  I liked what I saw (ie it worked and printed) so
I purchased my first program for Linux at $25. 

If you remember, I had asked a question about how to get CUPS to work
with my USB printer.  Nobody responded with the correct answer so I
fiddled a little more and gave up.  I just couldn't figure out how the
printcap and printcap.cups figured into the whole /etc/cups directory
to set up the default printer for my desktop machine.  I think it may
work well for network printer sharing but I wanted to print to a local
printer and it just wouldn't work for me.  I just gave up and decided
to install LPRng and damn that worked great!  Very easy to setup.  I
told it where my usb printer was /dev/usb/lp0 and named it S820|lp
(S820 or lp) so that I could reference it by either name.  I installed
TurboPrint which was very easy and ran the xtpconfig program.  In less
than 30 minutes after switching to LPRng I had output from my printer. 
I then purchased the program and entered my registration key.  I think
the registration process could be faster since it took over 2 hours to
get my registration key.  I know of a company that can integrate that
into the purchase step and give a registration key as soon as the CC is
approved.  But otherwise it was still better than trying to find a
brick and mortar store at 10PM.  

So I'm giving a thumbs up to two programs here.  TurboPrint for easy
install and setup as a pay for application.  LPRng for easy install and
setup on the free as in beer and speech side.

Eric Penne

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