[olug] top 20 posters since May 5

Mat olug at phpconsulting.com
Tue Dec 23 04:18:01 UTC 2003

Hi All:

I've been archiving the O!LUG list into a mysql table since May 5 of this
year.  One of the niceties that comes with control over your own mail
database is the ability to query it.  So here are the top 20ish posters
(by posting volume) since early May:

OBrien, Timothy    134 |
Brian Wiese        115 |
<listserv at ugu.com>  97 |
Brian Roberson      96 |
CM Miller           91 |
Jay Swackhamer      90 |
Craig Wolf          88 |
Phil Brutsche       86 |
"Ryan O'Rourke"     83 |
Jay Hannah          82 |
neal rauhauser      79 |
Eric Penne          74 |
Trent Melcher       65 |
Bob McCoy           54 |
Brandon Lederer     52 |
Sam Tetherow        42 |
Mike Peterson       42 |
Christopher Cashell 39 |
Sean Edwards        36 |

Of course, I'm open to any other sql queries you all can dream up.
Here's my schema:

mysql> describe emails;
| Field   | Type         | Null | Key | Default    | Extra          |
| id      | bigint(20)   |      | PRI | NULL       | auto_increment |
| author  | varchar(250) |      | MUL |            |                |
| cc      | varchar(250) |      | MUL |            |                |
| subject | varchar(250) |      | MUL |            |                |
| body    | text         |      |     |            |                |
| date    | date         |      | MUL | 0000-00-00 |                |
| time    | time         |      | MUL | 00:00:00   |                |

So all you sql gurus out there get in touch with your inner actuarial and
suggest some interesting ways to query this stuff.  A crosstabs with
author and time might be fun and could tell us the burning
question we've all been wanting to know: who's most likely to
post at 2AM.  (remember this is mysql though!)

Happy holidays...     :)


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