[olug] Red Hat Road Tour Update

Dave Hull dphull at insipid.com
Tue Oct 29 16:08:12 UTC 2002

Here's some additional information I rec'd this morning. The folks from Red
Hat did reserve the beer garden area (the large backroom, capacity ~ 60
persons) at Free State Brewery until around 4:30 p.m. They are going to "have
some appetizers for everyone" and "people can definitely float in and out."
That I've got to see. ;)
They plan on keeping everything "really informal." Perhaps doing a demo of 8.0
and answering any questions. No one needs to RSVP.                      
Sometime today, they are going to send me an electronic copy of the color
flyer, I can forward this along to anyone that wants to print some out and put
them up. 
That's all I know. I hope to see some of the Nebraska contingent there, though 
I understand it's a bit of a drive.

Dave Hull

  - TV still not social; awaiting Nuon/Amiga set-top box or
    low-power chu-chu rocket farm.
  - slow children at play not in yard; what kinds of hazard
      then?  Trappers?  Tree-sloth kids with kites on
      razor-wire?  I'm thinking Carpenter's "Adam's children"
  - toaster slots too small for XL pizza
  - I couldn't stay; G. Carlin too scary
-- Steve Nordquist, Re: social, X4, 05/03/00

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