[olug] Bad Vendors,( Was looking for K6-2 motherboard)

Nate Rotschafer writetogenius at hotmail.com
Mon May 20 22:15:19 UTC 2002

Try http://www.resellerratings.com for a review of most online places..

Just a thought,
Nate Rotschafer

>From: Carl Lundstedt <clundst at unlserve.unl.edu>
>Reply-To: olug at olug.org
>To: olug at olug.org
>Subject: Re: [olug] Bad Vendors,( Was looking for K6-2 motherboard)
>Date: Mon, 20 May 2002 14:11:33 -0500
>*I* haven't had any bad experiences with any pricewatch vendors personally,
>but I do my homework (I'm still quite jumpy when it comes to the online
>economy).  Our HLUG president Cesar had some trouble with MWave on a
>motherboard purchase (MWave often comes up as the cheapest response).  You
>can query him on the specifics (although he's out of country right now), 
>it was bad enough that he posted a 'warning' on the HLUG list, and it 
>pretty bad.  Other friends of mine have had bad experiences from pricewatch
>listings, but I can't recall the specifics off hand.
>I think the standard caveats apply to pricewatch listed sites (most of my
>friends who have had trouble have usually broken one of the following):
>a) if it's too good to be true, it probably is
>b) Use a credit card that will protect your interests.
>c) Do your homework on a site, make sure they list a phone number and a
>explicit RMA procedure.  Never trust that they'll make it right.
>d) (my personal rule) Don't buy things online that you can't write off.  
>having to eat a MB/Proc/Memory purchase would have sucked, but it wouldn't
>have been the end of the world.
>There are feedback sites out there.  Use those as well.
>As a note, I recently purchased an upgrade MB/proc/memory from googlegear
>(which I found on pricewatch and also advertise with computer shopper) and
>was very happy with my order, but nothing was DOA and I didn't have to test
>their customer support.
>Carl Lundstedt
>On Monday 20 May 2002 13:58, einer wrote:
> > Have you had trouble in the past?  I've never encountered any
> > difficulty, but I've often wondered what my course of action would be if
> > I got a DOA component.  Any sites in particular that you've had problems
> > with?
> >
> > Andrew
> >
> > Carl Lundstedt wrote:
> > >Be warned, some of these vendors aren't too customer friendly.  Buyer
> > >beware...
> > >Carl Lundstedt
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"Only those who think know, but those wo know always think."
Nate Rotschafer
Millard West High School
Omaha, NE

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