[olug] [OT] 80 pin SCA SCSI drives

Phil Brutsche phil at brutsche.us
Tue May 14 02:03:39 UTC 2002

bbrush at unlnotes.unl.edu wrote:
> Oddly enough I was talking to a guy about this very thing today.
> Apparently there is an adapter that will allow you to do this.  IIRC he
> said it was about $40.

OK, I missed Timothy's first message due to trying to get an email 
address change figured out...

And yes, there are 50-pin & 68-pin -> SCA connectors around, and most 
can be had for much less than $40 via eBay - I picked one up for less 
than $20.

> Now that you have the background ? here is my dilemma. I have four drives
> that may still be good, even though the RAID controller supposedly thought
> they were bad. These four ST19171WC are SCSI, 80-pin SCA (Hot Swap able) ?

Correct.  SCA = hot-swappable.  Makes hot swapping hard drives MUCH 
easier - those who have killed power supplies while "hot-swapping" 
drives the wrong way will know what I'm talking about :)

> so they do not have the normal connectors, nor pinouts to set the SCSI id's
> and such. I'm wanting to put them on another SCSI controller and run some
> tests to confirm they have failed or not. Sooo the question ? if I wanted
> to put these on another SCSI controller, is there any way I can do so?

SCSI ID numbers are set on the SCA backplane.  Any SCA converter you get 
will have SCSI, power, & jumber blocks to set the SCSI ID number.

If you have a UW/U2W/U160 68-pin controller available, that will do the 
trick, as the Seagate 9GB drives are U2W.

If your controller only has 50-pin SCSI, you need to double & triple 
check that your SCA adapter correctly terminates the high bits of the 
SCSI bus, otherwise you'll have much fun trying to figure out exactly 
*what* the problem is :)

ps: jez, the things you learn when you get into Sun hardware at work...


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