[olug] lilo

Mike Hostetler thehaas at binary.net
Sun Jul 1 17:14:53 UTC 2001

On Sun, 01 Jul 2001 11:50:40 -0500 Nathan Brown <tbrownarcher at home.com> wrote:

NB> I had to reformat my win98 side of the drive and of course windows kills
NB> the boot sector for redhat.  I have had this happen before but cannot
NB> remember what it was that corrected it.  How can I get my boot sector to
NB> boot Red Hat too? 

Use a rescue boot disk (CD or floppy . . . the Red Hat install CD should
let you boot an already installed parition).  After it boots, login as root
and type "lilo".  That should be it . . . 

This assumed that lilo worked before, that your Win98 didn't change
paritions, etc., etc.  But it's generally that easy . . .  .

Of course, you could just remove Windows totally, and laugh at people
when they talk about having to reboot after installing a new application. 
It's pretty fun . . .


Mike Hostetler          
thehaas at binary.net 
GnuPG key: http://www.binary.net/thehaas/mikeh.gpg 

"What good is having someone who can walk on water if you don't follow
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