[olug] Infotec 2001 recap

Adam Haeder adamh at omaha.org
Fri Apr 27 14:54:11 UTC 2001

Infotec 2001 is over and it was a good show for the OLUG. We had a booth
in Ford Hall (Entrepeneurs Hall this year) along the west wall with
other Omaha user groups. We made the best showing and had more traffic
then any other user group booth by far.
Our table consisted of my home machine (RH7.0, KDE 2.1.1), lots of
Installfest flyers, some Linux Journals, and some stuff I had from SAIR.
On Tuesday, we got a pretty lively game of Unreal Tournament going with
some high school kids from Millard :-). I lot of people stopped by and
said "I didn't even know Omaha had a Linux user's group". Most were
pretty excited about it and wanted more info about the meetings and the

Between our booth and the Paktronix booth upstairs on the main floor, we
probably handed out at least 200 flyers for the Installfest (thanks Matt
and Paul at Paktronix!). If everybody that says they are going to show
up, shows up, we will have a full house. One guy is even bringing in
some Alphas that I burned some RH Alpha cds for.

Speaking of CDs, I'm not having any luck finding isos for Mandrake 7.2,
so I'm burning Mandrake 8.0 discs instead. I've also got RH7.1 (all 3
cds) plus older versions of Calders, Debian, Slackware and SuSE. I will
have 2 burners there on Sat so we can make new cds if we need to. I'll
also have an ftp server set up on the lan so we can do net installs.

I'd like to thank Jay Woods and Paul McNally for helping me man the
I'd also like to offer congratulations to fellow OLUG member Matt Payne
at CSG. Matt received the coveted Technology Guru of the Year award at
the Nebraska Technology Celebration Banquet Tuesday night. Way to go
Matt! CSG is lucky to have you. You can see who won other awards at

All in all, a good show, and a good showing for OLUG. Hope we have an
even bigger turnout next year, and we'll see you all Saturday.

Adam Haeder
Technical Coordinator, AIM Institute
(402) 345-5025 x115
adamh at omaha.org

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