[OLUG] RealMedia

Quinn Coldiron qcoldiron at yahoo.com
Fri Jan 21 19:45:27 UTC 2000

> The following is fron the README file localet in /usr/doc/G2player-6.0
> dir...
> In order to launch the Player automatically from the Netscape browser,
> you must configure Netscape so that it treats the Player as a Helper
> Application.  There are two ways to do this.  The first is to use the
> Netscape Preferences dialog to set Application preferences.  Use the
> following parameters:
> Description:  RealPlayer G2
> MIMEType:     audio/x-pn-realaudio
> Suffixes:     ra,rm,ram
> Handled By:
> Application:  realplay %s
> If there is already an application configured to handle the
> 'audio/x-pn-realaudio' MIME type (for example, RealPlayer 5.0), you
> may need to replace/override those settings with those shown above,
> instead of creating new ones.  Also note that the Application command
> line shown above assumes that the 'realplay' executable is in your
> The second way to make the RealPlayer a Netscape Helper Application is
> to manually edit the .mime.types and .mailcap files in your home
> directory.  If these files do not currently exist in your home
> directory, you can simply copy the example files Mime.types and
> Mailcap from the RealPlayer installation directory.  For example:
>         cp RealPlayerG2/Mime.types ~/.mime.types
>         cp RealPlayerG2/Mailcap ~/.mailcap
> That should answer the original question.
> John

Thanks for all your help, but you kep giving me the same answer...how to make
RealMedia a Netscape helper application.  I already have this done.  Yes, when
I click on a RealMedia links, yes the player starts and yes it plays
automatically.  I've been doing that since the 5.0 player for Linux.

RealMedia ALSO can be a plugin.  The player is EMBEDDED INSIDE the web page,
not in a different window.  Many sites REQUIRE the player to run this way so
they can control what you see, and make the webpage and player look more
integrated.  This function is installed by default on Windows and Mac, but it
is not automatic on Linux/Unix.  I have heard people say they have done it (I
think with the 5.0 player) and I want to know how.

If you do not understand what I am saying, please look at this page:
http://www.zdnet.com/zdtv/radio/ then click on the live radio link.

A plugin and a helper application are different things.

Again,  thanks for your help.


     ~	   Quinn P. Coldiron
    . .	   http://thetoolhouse.com/qcoldiro/
   // \\   qcoldiron at yahoo.com
  /(   )\  qcoldir at nmhs.org
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