[olug] new computer

Eric Penne epenne at yahoo.com
Thu Dec 7 18:56:24 UTC 2000

Linux has been running on motherboards as old as 386s so I wouldn't
worry about the HD problem.   Personally I've found decent prices at
DIT, but I haven't bought anything there that warrants a lot of
customer service so i can't vouch for that.

I've been recc lately the Ars-Technica budget machine for most of the
parts I'm using to build PCs.

Currently I've been working on:

Asus A7V mobo w/5 USB ports - 170
Duron 700 w/heatsink - 90
128MB PC133 Atlas memory - 110
Guillemot Prophet II 32MB Geforce2 MX - 150
SBLive! Sound Card - 100
Linksys Network Card - 25
40+X CDROM - 50
Maxtor 20GB ATA66 Drive - 150
KDS 17" Avitron Monitor (w/Trinitron Tube) - 215
MS Keyboard and Optical Mouse - 50
Any ATX Case - 80

I've been able to put these together completely new for under 1200 
this includes shipping and no profit except beer and since I'm a
lightweight beer usually runs $10.  Add 150 for a printer and 100 for
WinME (hahaha).

Better deals can be found but I like the price/performance of the Duron
and ATA66/100 right now.  Don't forget to check out Sam's club. If they
have what you want it is usually cheaper than other places.

check out my webcam.

PS Using 2.4test9 I have firewire, USB, scsi-emulation, and ATA100

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