[olug] Everybody Run!

Mike McNally mmcnally3 at prodigy.net
Fri Aug 4 21:05:02 UTC 2000


Christopher Garrity wrote:
>         Whilst fondling all the spanking new computer books at UNO's library, I
> happened to accost a most peculiar gem. A "Quality" Linux System Security book
> (as judged upon chpater 1, 2, and 18. Virgin book, no stamps, and since I
> haven't the time (and OBSD-2.7 on the wall)---it's still there!
>         "Linux System Security: The Administrator's Guide to Open Source Security
> Tools" by Scott Mann, Ellen L. Mitchell
>         It's not in the Genisys catalog yet, but you can find in on the "New Books"
> cart over by the stairs (1st floor, smack in front of the entrance). Else check
> the sorting room, else pound your fists on the help desk counter (they like
> that).
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