[olug] New Linux Book - LUG Discount (fwd)

Brian Roberson brian at bstc.net
Wed Aug 2 18:03:19 UTC 2000

Brian Roberson
brian at bstc.net

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Date: Wed, 2 Aug 2000 07:53:53 -0700
From: "Mr. Poet" <jd at crazypenguins.commandprompt.com>
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To: brian at bstc.net
Subject: New Linux Book - LUG Discount


We didn't want to post this directly to the mailing list. You are listed as
the LUG
contact for your lug from the site lugww.counter.li.org. Since you are
listed as the contact
you have received this email.

I wanted to let your LUG members know that the LDP Guide, Securing and
Optimizing Linux: 
RedHat Edition is now shipping from OpenDocs Publishing. We want to
encourage all LUGS to 
take a look at this book. There is a pre-final edit on the LDP site at 
http://www.linudoc.org/guides.html#securing_linux where you can download a
PDF for review.
Please keep in mind that this is a pre-final edit and does not have the
grammar and other
items quite tidied up yet. Further in this email is a list of the topics
covered within the book.

The book comes with RedHat 6.2 and RedHat 6.2 PowerTools on CD.

We would ask that you present this to the LUG mailing list or at one of
your meetings. You 
will see below that there is a hefty discount for LUG members if the LUG
purchases at least 5.

Securing and Optimizing Linux: RedHat Edition

This is an incredible book that takes a hands on approach to installing,
optimizing, configuring and securing RedHat Linux. This book is
also part of the Open Source Documentation Fund. For more information of
the Open Source Documentation fund please see the subsequent pages of this
The book is step by step and covers all topics needed to fire up  a great
Linux server. Including hot topics such as IPSec, IMP, Apache-SSL and
Sendmail 8.10.1!

        ISBN: 0-9700330-0-1                             Retail: 49.95
	Pages: Approx 480
        CD: RedHat 6.2 and RedHat 6.2 PowerTools (2 CD'S)

        Discount Policy (Retail/Book Stores Only):

	LUG Discount:	30% (LUG Must purchase 5+)
	For single orders please see:

        Return Policy: Standard Returns*
        * See http://www.opendocspublishing.com/bookstore.lxp#return_policy

        Further Information can always be found at
http://www.opendocspublishing.com . 

Purchaser pays shipping. For Return Policies, Credit Application or
Ordering information please refer to our website at 
http://www.opendocspublishing.com . You may also fax your request to
(502)210-0334. If you choose to fax your request, please send it
attention: OpenDocs, LLC.

Securing and Optimizing Linux: RedHat Edition
Topics Covered

Linux Installation 
Descriptions of programs packages we must uninstall for securities reasons 
Descriptions of programs that must be uninstalled after installation of
the server 
Linux General Security 
Linux General Optimization 
Linux Kernel 
Linux TCP/IP Network Management 
Linux Masquerading and Forwarding 
Linux Compiler functionality 
Linux sXid 
Linux Logcheck 
Linux PortSentry 
Linux OpenSSH Client/Server 
Linux SSH2 Client/Server 
Linux Tripwire 2.2.1 
Linux Tripwire ASR 1.3.1 
Linux GnuPG 
Set Quota on your Linux system 
Linux DNS and BIND Server 
Linux Sendmail Server (includes 8.10.1) 
Linux IMAP & POP Server 
Enable IMAP or POP via the tcp-wrappers inetd super server 
Linux OPENSSL Server 
Linux FreeS/WAN VPN 
Linux OpenLDAP Server 
Linux PostgreSQL Database Server 
Linux Squid Proxy Server 
Linux MM - Shared Memory Library for Apache 
Linux Apache Web Server 
Linux Webalizer 
Linux FAQ-O-Matic 
Linux Webmail IMP 
Linux Samba Server 
Linux FTP Server 
Linux Backup and Restore 
Tweaks, Tips and Administration tasks 
Obtaining Requests for Comments (RFCs) 

Joshua Drake

<COMPANY>CommandPrompt	- http://www.commandprompt.com	</COMPANY>
<PROJECT>OpenDocs, LLC.	- http://www.opendocs.org	</PROJECT>
<PROJECT>LinuxPorts 	- http://www.linuxports.com     </PROJECT>
<WEBMASTER>LDP		- http://www.linuxdoc.org	</WEBMASTER>
Instead of asking why a piece of software is using "1970s technology," 
start asking why software is ignoring 30 years of accumulated wisdom. 

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